Understanding Recreational ProgramsUnderstanding Recreational Programs

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Understanding Recreational Programs

When it comes to enjoying your free time, I have never been an expert. I have always found it hard to keep up with different ways to enjoy my time away from work, but about a year ago I realized that there were a lot of resources close to home that I could take advantage of. It was incredible to see how much my local recreation center offered, along with how many motor sports businesses were in close proximity to my home. This blog is all about understanding recreational programs, signing up for the best ones, and saving a lot of time and money along the way.


Struggling For Accuracy? What Hunters Must Know About Scope Rings

Hunters and target shooters alike sometimes spend considerable time and money to purchase bigger and better scopes in the hopes of achieving better accuracy with their hunting and target shooting rifles. While the type and quality of rifle scope is an important component of accurate shooting, the scope rings and other components used to secure rifle scopes in the correct position can be just as critical. 

If there is room for improvement in your shooting accuracy, you may find some helpful answers in the following information about scope rings and accompanying gun components and modifications.

Professional installation is important

If the weapon you are having accuracy issues is an older one or one that was purchased in used condition or inherited from a family member, you may want to have it examined by a professional gunsmith. Older weapons may have been altered to allow for the addition of a scope and the scope rings that secure it to the gun. If these alterations are incorrect or poorly positioned, the scope rings may not be properly located for correct placement and alignment of the scope. The gunsmith should be able to fix it and get you the right scope rings. 

Choose the right scope rings for the job

Another reason for inaccuracy issues when shooting is when the shooter is using scope rings that aren't a good match for the gun. While some brands of scope rings can be used on other brands of rifles, there can be slight variances that result in accuracy issues later. This is especially true if the scope rings, mounts, or the base where they are attached has been altered or modified in some way.

When shooting accuracy is the goal, it is best to match scope rings to the brand of gun. For example, guns manufactured by Ruger will be most accurate when scope rings, mounts, and other components are also manufactured by Ruger. Same goes for any other brand.  

In addition to selecting scope rings and mounts by brand, shooters who strive for increased accuracy will want to ensure the size, type of scope rings they are using are compatible with both the gun itself and any mounting hardware or modifications that may also be present on the gun. 

Hunters should also consider having their guns professionally cleaned, serviced, and bore-sighted whenever any changes are made to the gun or issues with accuracy are noted. To learn more about scope rings, mounts, and how each might affect shooting accuracy, hunters and shooters should discuss their situation with their favorite scope ring and gun accessory dealer. Ask them about your specific brand's products like Ruger scope rings